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Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

Acid rain is impossible from the NPP

Explosion at Nuclear Power Plant installation Fukushima Daiichi, Japan, could trigger the circulation of false news, the acid rain would hit the region in the direction of southwest Japan and 5,000 miles. The news lied resolved, other concerns arise, namely acid rain into the shadow of nuclear power plant closure dilemma.Acid rain is rain with high acidity. At first glance the same as ordinary rain. What distinguishes, the high content of acid in acid rain can damage your skin, deadly plants, and causes metals to rust faster.
In the extreme, high-acid accumulation in nature can wipe out entire species in a lake.There are two main causes of acid rain, namely natural and man-made. One natural cause is a volcanic eruption. While human activities related to the use of fossil fuels, like coal and oil in industry (factories), motor vehicles, to power plants.
The explanation, the result of burning fossil fuels would be a pollutant to the atmosphere. Pollutan acid composition which includes traits such as sulfuric acid, nitric acid, or chloride.
Such as volcanic eruptions, which cause a variety of acid composition in the atmosphere. The use of agricultural fertilizers also cause the acid, but the rates are different.
Various acid composition was the main cause of acid deposition in the atmosphere. Technically, acid deposition from the atmosphere to the surface of the earth not only by rainwater, but also through snow, fog, dew, and aerosols.
Acid rain usually has a ratio of 62 percent sulfuric acid, nitric acid 32 percent, and 6 percent hydrochloric acid.
Not from NPP
According to the Head of Nuclear Energy Supervisory Agency (Bapeten) As Natio Lasman, acid rain is not likely to occur due to the nuclear reaction process. Acid rain is also likely due to the hydrogen explosion at Fukushima nuclear power plant installations.
Therefore, As Natio ensure that acid rain as a result of the explosion at the Fukushima nuclear power plant installations, such as the widely circulated news-as long as it lies. He guessed, acid rain developing information pascatindakan Fukushima nuclear power plant emergency workers when a nuclear reactor cooling using boron substances, which produce boric acid.
"Boric acid does not cause acid rain. Boric acid is actually good for the skin so widely used in cosmetic industry," he said.
Nuclear experts from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Sihana, said there was no acid rain generated from the nuclear reaction process. The explosion and fire at the Fukushima nuclear power plant due to high temperature and hydrogen explosion.
"Fire in the Fukushima nuclear power plant unit 4 is expected due to leakage of the refrigerant cooling the storage of nuclear fuel waste," he said.
NPP Dilemma
The explosion at the Fukushima nuclear power plant due to the earthquake and tsunami can not be denied to inspire the public, as in Germany and other countries to pressure their governments to immediately close the nuclear plants at risk.
Analysts carbon in Europe began to weigh the impact of the closure of nuclear power plants. Matteo Mazzoni, an analyst with Italy's carbon Nomisma Energia, told Reuters last Wednesday, said, there is the potential impact of acid rain the greater of seven nuclear power plant plans to close the oldest in Germany in June 2011.
The impact of carbon dioxide was due to the increased supply of 8 million-11 million tons of carbon dioxide in a month. The reason, the supply of electricity from the seven oldest nuclear power plant in Germany was not yet possible replaced it all with an environmentally friendly renewable energy.
Production of renewable energy is still too little. So far, the energy from fossil fuels that are considered most appropriate. This fact is a challenge the world.
That's where the dilemma appears. Fossil-fueled power plants obviously increases the concentration of pollutants, which cause acid rain.
In the world, currently developed at least 437 nuclear reactors. The potential dangers of a nuclear reactor is large. However, the reactor 437, so far almost all of them proved to be controlled.
Communities also receive many benefits in the form of electrical energy from nuclear power plant, which is much cheaper than electricity from fossil fuels. On the other hand, nuclear radiation threat is real.
Now, when there is a desire to close operational nuclear reactor, at the same time there is another threat, namely that acid rain could be a lie is no longer news.
Japan's nuclear crisis triggered by an earthquake last week (03/11/2011) bermagnitud 9.0 and subsequent tsunami.
Military trucks spraying water back into the nuclear complex at the Fukushima Daiichi. It's the second day of this step done. While the team of technicians trying to reconnect power to the cooling system that stalled last week after the earthquake. However, nuclear power reactor operators said the reactor was buried under layers of concrete and sand may be an option to prevent disastrous leak of radiation.(KOMPAS.com -)

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