1. Philosophy
Philosophy in English, namely philosophy, while the termphilosophy comes from the Greek, philosophia, which consists of twowords: philos (love) or philia (friendship, attracted to) and shopia(Wisdom, wisdom, knowledge, skills, practical experience,intelligence). So the etymology, philosophy means love of wisdom ortruth. Socrates as Plato calls philosophos (philosopher) inunderstanding lover of wisdom. The word philosophy is the Arabizationwhich means that searches done by philosophers. In the DictionaryBig Indonesian, the word philosophy suggests understandingreferred to, namely knowledge and inquiry by reasonabout the nature of all that exists, because the origin and laws. HumanPhilosophical are people who have self-awareness and reason, as healso has an independent soul and spiritual nature.
Before Socrates there was one group who called themselvessophist (the sophists), which means scholar. They made thehuman perception as a measure of reality and use the argument-argumentare mistaken in their conclusions. So the word sophist has 2reduction of meaning that is sophistry. Socrates ashumility and shy away from identifying withthe sophist, prohibiting him called by a sophist(Scholars). Therefore philosophers do not use the term beforeSocrates (Motahhari, 2002).
At first the word philosophy means all of sciencehumans. They share the philosophy of the two parts,theoretical philosophy and practical philosophy. Theoretical philosophy include: (1) sciencenatural sciences, such as: physics, biology, science of mining, andastronomy, (2) the exact sciences and mathematics, (3) knowledge of the divineand metaphysics. Practical philosophy include: (1) norms (morality), (2)domestic affairs, (3) social and political.
In general philosophy means human effort to understandeverything systematically, radical and critical. Meaningful philosophy ofis a process not a product. Then the processdo is to think critically is the effort to actively, systematically, andpronsip following principles to understand and evaluate the logic of ainformation with the purpose of determining whether the information is received orrejected. Thus philosophy will continue to change until a pointcertain (of calendar 2001).
Definition of the word philosophy can be said to be a problemphilosophical as well. According to logicians when someone asksunderstanding (definition / nature) something, in fact he was askedabout the various cases. But at least we can say that"Philosophy" was about a study that is to be exploredconduct experiments and trials, butto express precisely the problem, find solutions to this,give arguments and good reason for a particular solution andthe end of the previous processes are put in adialectics. This dialectic can briefly be said is aform rather than dialogue.
As for some basic understanding of the philosophy according toamong philosophers is: 3A. Speculative effort to present a systematic viewand complete the whole of reality.2. Attempts to describe the nature of ultimate reality and the basicreal.3. Efforts to determine the limits and range of knowledgeresources, the nature, validity, and value.4. Critical investigation of the assumptions andstatements submitted by the various fieldsof knowledge.5. Discipline that seeks to help you see whatyou say and to express what you see.
Plato (427-348 BC) states that philosophy is knowledgeis to achieve a genuine truth. While Aristotle(382-322 BC) is to define the philosophy of sciencecovering the truth contained therein metaphysics sciences,logic, rhetoric, ethics, economics, politics, and aesthetics. While philosophersMore Cicero (106-043 BC) stated philosophy is the mother of allother sciences. Philosophy of science is the supreme andthe desire to get it.According to Descartes (1596-1650), philosophy is a collection of allknowledge in which God, nature and man became a stapleinvestigations. While Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) arguedphilosophy of science is the subject and the base of allknowledge contained in it four issues:a. What can we know?The answer is included in the field of metaphysics.b. What should we do?The answer is included in the field of ethics.c. Expectations of where we are?The answer is included in the field of religion.d. Is it called man?The answer is included in the field of anthropology. 4At least three characteristics of philosophical thinking that is:A. Comprehensive nature: one scientist will never be satisfied ifonly know science only in terms of view of science itself.He wanted to know the nature of science from another perspective, relationwith morality, and wanted to be sure whether this knowledgebring him happiness. This will let scientistsdo not feel proud and most powerful. Above the sky is still theresky. example: Socrates said he did not know anything.2. Fundamental nature: that nature is not just that confident thatscience is true. Why science is right? How the processassessment criteria are done? Whethercriterion itself is true? So what really own it? Asa question which must start with a circulardetermine the correct point.3. Speculative: in setting up a circle and determine thestarting point of a circle which is also the end pointit takes a good speculative nature of the process, analysisand evidence. Which can be separated so thatlogical or not.Sir Isacc Newton, a scientist who is very well known,President of the Royal Society have all three of these characteristics. There ismany scientists are perfecting previous inventions thatdo. In the quest for knowledge, Newton was not onlybelieve in the truth that already exists (knowledge at the time). Hesue (trace over) the results of previous studies such as logicof motion and Aristotelian cosmology, or the Cartesian logic ofmotion of matter, light, and the structure of the cosmos. "I do not definespace, place, time and motion is known as muchthe "Newton said. For Newton there is no completeness, that there is onlySearching dynamic, always changing and may never finish."I elaborated a subject constantly and I wait untilThe first light of dawn came slowly, little by little until betulbetul light ".
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